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JMS weight related price for Virtuemart plugin

Step 1

Download package, unzip it you will have 2 plugins.

Please install plugins as normal, then go to plugin manager for enabling those plugins.

Step 2

How to set up weight,prices for product:

Go to Virtuemart-> Product tab, choose Taxes & Calculation Rules, add new

JMS weight related price for Virtuemart - add rules
  • Calculation Rule name : fill "JMS weight" or what name you like
  • Published: check on checkbox
  • Description: descripotion
  • Type of Arithmetic Operation : choose price you want to apply rules
  • Math Operation: choose math operation will calculatator for price
  • Currency: choose Currency
  • Product Category: select cateogries you want to apply

JMS Weight parameters

Click "Add Weight Customize" for adding rules

Example 1: As image example above, when user buy 2 or 3 kgs of product, user will get discount $1 for each kg, when user buy 4 or 5 kgs of product, user will get discount $2 for each kg, and when user buy from 6 kg of product, user will get discount $3 for each kg. You have 3 rules:

  • 1.Min:2, Max:0, Overwrite value: 1
  • 1.Min:4, Max:0, Overwrite value: 2
  • 1.Min:6, Max:0, Overwrite value: 3

Example 2: when user buy from 2 to 4 kg of products, user get discount $2 for each kg; when user buy from 6 to 8 kgs oft product, user get discount $3 for each kg; and when user buy from 10 kgs of products, user get discount is $4 for each kg. You will add 3 rules like below:

  • 1.Min:2, Max:4, Overwrite value: 2
  • 1.Min:6, Max:8, Overwrite value: 3
  • 1.Min:10, Max:0, Overwrite value: 4

All products in categories( what you selected to apply rules) will auto update rules for price. For special product, please edit it, choose JMS weight as image below:

JMS weight related price for Virtuemart - edit product

Go to Virtuemart-> Product tab, choose Custom fields, add new

JMS weight related price for Virtuemart - custom fields

Set name of new custom field is "JMS weight", choose type is plugins and set Select a plugin field is VMCustom- JMSheight

Edit a product, go to Custom field tab, choose Custom fields type is JMS weight, click save and enjoy.

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