I. Install JMS Bicycle quickstart package
Step 1
Download quickstart package then unzip it in folder where you want to put your site on server.
Step 2
Create new database for this prestashop website
Step 3
Go to url to folder what you unziped JMS Bicycle quickstart( ie : http//:localhost/jmsquickstart), you will have screen like below:
Choose language you want, then click Next button.
Check "I agree to the above terms and conditions" box, then click Next button .
Fill information of store in this page, then click Next button
Fill informations of database like localhost, database name, database username, database password, database engine, and database prefix. You can check informations by clicking "Test your database connection now" button.
When connection is good, click Next button.
After create tables with example data, you will have this page
Please remove install folder of prestashop, then enjoy your store.
II. Install JMS Bicycle theme for current site:
Download JMS Bicycle theme
Login back end of store, then go to Modules->modules
Choose Administration category on left hand side, then find Import/export a theme module, then click Configure.
In Import from your computer part, click Choose file button
Choose Theme_Jms_Bicycle.zip file what you downloaded above, then click Next button.
Click Next button
Choose module you want to install with this theme and choose mode of configuration you want.After that you go to a page like below, click Finish button, then store will auto set JMS Bicycle is your default theme.
Go to Preferences - Images, you will see table size of images
Change large_default to width 500, height 533
Change thickbox_default to width 500, height 533
Change category_default to width 725, height 190
Change home_default to width 164, height 175
III. Configure modules of theme:
JMS Bicycle theme included many modules: Jms Drop MegaMenu, Jms Slideshow, Jms New Products Scroller, Jms Setting, Jms Custom Html Footer, Jms Custom Html Top, Jms Social Links, Jms Minicart block, Jms Currency block,Jms Language block , Jms Search block .
1. Configure JMS Setting
- Theme skin: Choose color for theme, this theme supports 8 colors
- Theme width: Fill with of theme in pixel
- Theme Layout: Choose layout for theme
- Responsive: Enable or Disable responsive mode
- Setting Demo Panel: Show or Hide setting panel at front end
Great part of JMS Setting module is you can drag modules on left side and drop into hooks on right side, you also can drag module from this hook to other hook, then click Save Position.
Please drag module JMS Drop mega menu from left side to HOOK_TOPNAV, drag module JMS Slideshow from left side to HOOK_SLIDESHOW
2. Configure JMS Drop mega menu
a. Settings:
- Menu Active Event: Choose trigger for open or close mega menu : hover or click
- Open Speed: configure speed of open mega menu
- Close Speed: configure speed of close mega menu
b. List functions:
You has full functions for managing menu items: Add, Edit, Delete, Active and Unactive.
If you want to add a new menu item, then click on Add button.
If you want to edit a menu item, then click on that menu item or click on checkbox of that menu item, then click Edit button.
If you want to delete menu items, then click on checkbox of those menu items and click Delete button.
If you want to active menu items, then click on checkbox of those menu items and click Active button.
If you want to un-active menu items, then click on checkbox of those menu items and click Unactive button.
You also can change ordering of menu items by fill number ordering then click Save button or use arrow buttons (arrow buttons only work for last level of menu items).
You can read more about JMS Drop mega menu here
3. Configure JMS Slideshow
a. Settings:
- Responsive: Turn on/off responsive mode
- Slide Auto Play: Enable of Disable autp play
- Slide Duration: speed of slide
- Slide Width: width of slide if you turn off responsive
- Slide Height: height of slide if you turn off responsive
b. Slides Configuration:
If you want to add new slide, then click on “Add Slide” button link.
If you want to edit a slide, then click on “Edit” button of that slide row.
If you want to remove a slide, then click on “Delete” button of that slide row.
In this theme, we included 2 example slides.
For each slide, it will have those parameters:
- Small image: choose image and upload it for this slide.
- Title: title of this slide.
- URL: link when click on read more link on slide.
- Description: description text of slide.
4. Configure JMS Custom Html Top
You can put your html code here, this module will display at Top position of your theme
5. Configure JMS Custom Html Fpoter
You can put your html code here, this module will display at Footer position of your theme
6. Configure JMS Socials
- Facebook Link: Facebook link of website.
- Twitter Link: Twitter link of website.
- RSS Link: RSS link of website.
- Youtube Link: Youtube link of website.
7. Configure JMS Currency and JMS language
Please add more currencies and languages, then 2 module will display as you want
8. Configure JMS New products scroller
- Title: Title of this module what you want to show at frontend
- Responsive: Turn on/off responsive mode
- Total number of products: Total product will display on module
- Number of products to be displayed: Define the number of products that you would like to display on homepage (default: 4)
- Number of products to be scroll: Define the number of products to scroll (default: 4)
- Slide Auto Play: Enable of Disable autp play
- Slide Duration: speed of slide
- Slide Width: width of slide if you turn off responsive
- Slide Slide Height: height of slide if you turn off responsive
- Short Desc Limit Character: Number character of short description to show
- Show Add To Cart: Show or Hide Add to cart button.
- Show Price: Show or Hide price
- Show Short Desc: Show or Hide short description