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JMS Tshirt

1. Please read the complete instruction
2. Make sure you have installed and running the correct version of Prestashop
3. Backup your system before do anything is best
We recommend to use this theme on a new, clean installation or existing shops without custom core modifications.

You can install the theme by two way

1. automatically installation

2. manually installation

Automatically installation of the theme

  1. First of all you downloaded archive
  2. Login to your back-office


  • Go to "Preferences -> Themes"
  • Click on "Add new theme" button on right hand
  • Click on "Add file" button for choosing file , then click Save button
  • After that you will JMS Tshirt theme in theme listing.
  • Choose JMS Tshirt , then click "Save" button
  • On this step you will get information about theme installation status. Please mark all items (modules) you want and click "Save" button
  • Next step will inform you about modules installation status, and images settings update. Click “Finish” button

Congratulations! You have installed your new theme and to check it out, go to the front-end of your online shop and take a look at it!

Please check more JMS Tshirt modules for making site looking better.


Manually installation of the template


If you want to install this theme manually, you have to do following steps:

  1. Download and extract it locally.
  2. Upload the “themes” folder contents to the "/themes" directory on your server.
  3. Login to your back-office and go to "Preferences" -> "Themes'.
  4. Now select "jms_tshirt" theme in the "Theme appearance" section below
  5. Click to "Save" button
  6. Upload the "/modules" folder contents to the "/modules" directory on your server.
  7. Install each uploaded modules in back office, please remember to isntall JMS Setting module first. How to work with prestashop modules please read here

Congratulations! You have installed your new theme and to check it out, go to the front-end of your online shop and take a look at it!

Configuring images

The dimensions of images are adapted to the design of this theme. We advice you to set the image dimensions according to the following screenshot:

To configure product image dimensions open PrestaShop admin panel, go to Preferences -> Images. In some cases after image dimensions changes you need regenerate images.

JMS Tshirt have lots of modules used. Some are prestashop default module and some are developed by Joommasters team for JMS Tshirt from scrach or slightly modified prestashop default modules.

JMS setting for theme

This module allows you to configure JMS Tshirt theme

  • Theme skin: choose skin color for website
  • Theme width: configure default width
  • Responsive: turn on responsive or not
  • Setting demo panel: show setting block at front-end or not

You can drag modules from left side to hooks on right side or drag modules from this hook to other hook.

In case frontend display not good after installation, you should check again hook of modules, modules should stay in hooks like image above.

JMS Drop mega menu

It is a powerful mega menu for prestashop, supports responsive theme .

Configuring JMS Drop megamenu

Params for each menu item:

  • Name: Title will be display of menu item.
  • Parent: Choose parent of this menu item.
  • Menu Type:Choose type of menu item, has 9 types are product, category, link, cms, manufacturer, module, html, separator, supplier.
    • For product type, will display an input box for filling product id.
    • For category type, will display a select box for choosing category.
    • For cms type, will display a select box for choosing cms.
    • For link type, will display an input box for filling link.
    • For manufacturer type, will display a select box for choosing manufacturer.
    • For supplier type, will display a select box for choosing supplier.
    • For module type, will display 2 options are Show or Hide menu title, and display a select box for choosing module will display.
    • For html type, will display 2 option are Show or Hide menu title, and display text area for filling html.
  • Show title: show title of menu or not.
  • Menu Icon: menu has icon or not.
  • Icon class: choose class for Icon if you choose Menu Icon is yes.
  • Full width: configure submenu will be full width or not, choose yes for what main menu you want to have full width submenu.
  • Group: choose yes if you want this menu is head of 1 column, example you create 1 submenu with name is "Categories", choose Group is Yes, then create submenus of this menu are categories, you will have a column with title is "Categories", below are categories.
  • Column of Sub menus: Configure count of columns of sub menus
  • Width of Sub menus: Configure with of submenu in pixel
  • Width: If this menu is in level 2 you can use this value to change width for column, choose value from 1 to 12 .
  • Target: Choose trigger when click on this menu item, has 4 types are sefl, parent, blank, top.
  • Active: Active or not.

JMS Slideshow2

This module displays slideshow full width .

Params for each slide

You can add html to this module for displaying at hook Botsl.

HTML code:

<div class="col-sm-4 col-md-4 col-lg-4"><div class="icon-free-shipping"></div><h4>Free shipping</h4><p>On order over 500$</p></div>
<div class="col-sm-4 col-md-4 col-lg-4"><div class="icon-order-online"></div><h4>Order Online</h4><p>Phone: 84 - 1234567890</p></div>

JMS Custom Html Top

You can add html to this module for displaying at hook Topsl.

HTML code:

					<div class="row">
					<div class="col-sm-4 col-md-4 col-lg-4"> <section class="services-box box-left"><div class="services-box-inner"><div class="icon-circle active animate scale animated"><span class="icon icon-phone-3"></span></div><h5>24/7 Support</h5><span>Maecenas eu enim in lorem scelerisque auctor. Fusce vulputate penatibus</span><a href="#" class="btn btn-readmore">Read more</a> </div></section></div>
					<div class="col-sm-4 col-md-4 col-lg-4"> <section class="services-box"><div class="services-box-inner"><div class="icon-circle active animate scale animated"><span class="icon icon-money-bag"></span></div><h5>Cash On Delivery</h5><span>Nulla mauris ipsum, convallis ut, vestibulum
					euismod erat. Proin eros odio</span><a href="#" class="btn btn-readmore">Read more</a> </div></section></div>
					<div class="col-sm-4 col-md-4 col-lg-4"> <section class="services-box box-right"><div class="services-box-inner"><div class="icon-circle active animate scale animated"><span class="icon icon-airplane-2"></span></div><h5>Free Shipping</h5><span>Mauris et ligula quis erat dignissim impe rdiet. Integer ligula magna, dictum et</span><a href="#" class="btn btn-readmore">Read more</a> </div></section></div>

JMS Custom Html Left

You can add html to this module for displaying at hook Topsl.

HTML code

            <h3>COMMUNITY POLL</h3>
            <form role="form">
              <p><strong>WHAT IS YOUR FAVORITE PRESTASHOP FEATURE?</strong></p>
              <div class="radio">
                  <input type="radio" checked="" value="option1" id="optionsRadios1" name="optionsRadios">
                  Layered Navigation </label>
              <div class="radio">
                  <input type="radio" value="option2" id="optionsRadios2" name="optionsRadios">
                  Price Rules </label>
              <div class="radio">
                  <input type="radio" value="option3" id="optionsRadios3" name="optionsRadios">
                  Category Management </label>
              <div class="radio">
                  <input type="radio" value="option4" id="optionsRadios4" name="optionsRadios">
                  Compare Products </label>
              <button class="btn btn-mega">Vote</button>

Jms Social networking block

This module was customized from default social networking block module.

JMS On sale products block

This module display sale products with 2 arrows what allow to slide more products.

From the blog block

This is CMS information block module default of Prestashop.


New products and Best sellers module

They are New products and Best sellers default module of Prestashop.